National Health Freedom Coalition
supports the following Action Alert from
National Health Freedom Action


Nevada SB 412 Would Establish Felony
Charges for the Practice of Complementary
and Integrative Medicine.

SB412 Puts in Criminal Jeopardy
Thousands of Unlicensed Natural Health Practitioners in Nevada,
such as Herbalists, Homeopaths, Naturopaths, and Many Others.

Your help is urgently needed Now!

What is Happening : Nevada has introduced S.B. 412, a bill to mandate licensure of many categories of complementary integrative medicine. The bill would criminalize the practices of unlicensed natural health practitioners such as herbalists, homeopaths, naturopaths, and many other unlicensed complementary and alternative health care practitioners, as well as those who provide nutritional advice.. S.B. 412 is going to Senate hearing Monday, April 11 at 1 pm.

Nevada health freedom advocates are working hard to get a health freedom bill passed in their state and are proposing health freedom amendments to the authors of SB412. Your support is urgently needed to defeat this bill or properly amend it to protect natural health.

What you can do : Come to the Senate Commerce, Labor, and Energy Committee hearing, on Monday, April 11th at 1:00 P.M. at the Capitol Building in Carson City, Nevada, or attend in Las Vegas by going to the Nevada State building in Las Vegas.

Or write emails and call the committee members immediately . We have defeated this bill before, and if we all work together we will defeat it again.

What the Bill Does: S.B.412 authorizes a complementary integrative medicine board to license and regulate all complementary health modalities. It would make practicing any type of complementary health a felony if not licensed. The bill has no proper exemptions for natural health and it does not protect the right of traditional naturopaths, herbalists, homeopaths, and many other natural health care practitioners to practice their vocations.

To look at the Bill : http://www.leg.state.nv.us/Session/76th2011/Bills/SB/SB412.pdf


Where and When the Bill will be heard: Senate Bill 412 is scheduled to be heard in front of the Senate Commerce, Labor, and Energy committee on Monday, April 11th, at 1:00 P.M.  If you are in Las Vegas, you can attend and testify by going to the Nevada State Building, 555 Washington, Room 4401.

In Carson City, Nevada, you can attend and testify by going to the Legislative Building at 401 S.Carson St. Room 4401.


1. Please forward this email to your friends, family and other contacts, and ask them tocontact all the members of the committee listed below. Telephone calls and emails are extremely important Monday morning even if you plan to attend the committee hearing.  Not everyone will speak during committee so it's important to tell them beforehand.

2. Contact Nevada Senate Commerce, Labor & Energy Committee members listed below: Call from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and from 8 a.m. to adjournment on Saturdays.

The message:

“I oppose SB412 as written – it harms traditional naturopaths, herbalists, homeopaths, and many alternative health care practitioners whose professions do not require a license.


If you write or e-mail, begin with Dear Senator ____________;

Include bill number for example: RE:  Vote NO on SB412

It is best to write your own letter about why it is important to you to keep the practice of natural health practices in the public domain, but you might consider some of these basic points:

Health care practices that do not pose a risk of harm should remain in the public domain.

You want to be able to choose for yourself which practitioner to access.

This bill could eliminate your access to many of your favorite practitioners.

This bill will make it a felony for many practitioners currently practicing.

Chairman Michael A. Schneider D 775-684-6502 mschneider@sen.state.nv.us

Vice Chair Shirley A. Breeden D 775-684-1457 sbreeden@sen.state.nv.us

Allison Copening D 775-684-1475 acopening@sen.state.nv.us

David R. Parks D 775-684-6504 dparks@sen.state.nv.us

Elizabeth Halseth R 775-684-1421 ehalseth@sen.state.nv.us

Michael Roberson R 775-684-1481 mroberson@sen.state.nv.us

James A. Settelmeyer R 775-684-1470 jsettelmeyer@sen.state.nv.us

Share your contact information to get future alerts: Please contact Jim Jenks, HansFrischeisen, worker bees, at 775-882-3030, or e-mail jim@herbalrose.com with contact information so you can stay updated concerning the progress of the bill.

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