National Health Freedom Coalition
supports the following Action Alert from
National Health Freedom Action

March 14, 2012

Oppose Senate Bill 2936 as written and request a health freedom exemption to the
Dietitian Nutritionist licensing bill!

OPPOSE and AMEND Illinois S.B. 2936
Illinois current monopolistic Dietitian law is up for repeal in 2013 and Senate Bill 2936 is attempting to extend the law until 2023. SB 2936 is moving fast. The Illinois Dietitian and Nutrition Services law is one of the most restrictive monopolistic Dietitian laws in the U.S. And the new bill would make it even worse, increasing the civil fines for unlicensed practice to $10,000, including anyone who practices in the field of nutrition if they are not licensed as Dietitian Nutritionists. This law needs to be repealed NOW! Or this law needs to have the health freedom safe harbor amendment (see below) added to exempt unlicensed citizens that nutritional advice from charges of violations. The bill received amendments that are inadequate to protect the rights of all citizens to recommend nutritional advice and the amendments kept in place all of the violation penalties for practice without a license. The bill continues to move forward, now scheduled for a 2nd reading on the S enate floor on March 21, 2012. If you live in Illinois
Click here to Take Action by entering your Zip Code to send an automatic message directly to your Illinois state legislators opposing SB 2936! Read More.

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