For Immediate Release: August 10, 2009
Contact: Tami L .Wahl, 202.467.1986
Small Victory in Breaking Dietetic Monopoly
Delaware Board Allows Nutritionists to Practice Nutrition
The Delaware State Board of Dietetics/Nutrition (Board) voted Friday to adopt regulations to implement the Dietitian/Nutrition
For over twenty-five (25) years, the American Dietetic Association (ADA) has been sponsoring state legislation that establishes registration and licensing protocols for dietitians. Their efforts have been successful in over 40 states and more recently, the ADA is attempting to lock nutritionists and nutritional therapy practitioners into the same licensing scheme. In some states, ADA even has control over the use of common terminology such as "nutritionist" and "nutritional care."
The American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF), a non-profit in Washington, D.C. that advocates for the freedom to choose (and have access to) integrative medical treatments, has been vocal in Delaware and various other states, opposing ADA's efforts.
Tami Wahl, Legislative Director for the AAHF, states: "It appears ADA's motivation to include nutritionists in the dietitian licensing legislation is to eliminate competition by mandating that anyone who wants to practice nutritional therapy must register with ADA—and only ADA. By doing so, highly qualified professionals are barred from practicing nutritional therapy and consumers' choice is unnecessarily restricted."
Wahl continues, "Nutritionists and consumers stepped forward in Delaware to voice their concerns and the Board was receptive to what they had to say. We are thankful and feel the progress made is a starting point to ensure consumers have access to both types of providers of nutritional information— dietitians and nutritionists—
The ADA is currently pursuing licensure acts in Texas, New Jersey, and Wisconsin. The main points of contention are that such legislation eliminates competition, precludes highly qualified individuals from practicing their chosen profession, and unnecessarily restricts a consumer's right to choose.